
The Team

The Professional Growth and Development team seeks to support administrators and educators in their growth and development journey. We support school teams and department teams in identifying the most practical ways to implement growth and development cycles. 

Marisol Marin


Hola! I'm Marisol Marin, and my roots are deeply intertwined with the legacy of immigrant fieldworker parents. Spanish is not just my first language; it's the heartbeat of my heritage. I'm passionate about crafting spaces where everyone feels a sense of belonging and where creativity is a way of life.I believe environments where reflection is cultivated are the cornerstone of learning and a path to self-discovery and growth. I'm on a mission to weave these values into the fabric of every experience, cultivating safe spaces where curiosity thrives and insights bloom. Join me in celebrating the beauty of diversity, the power of introspection, and the joy of learning.

Audrey Mason

Resource Teacher

Dr. Kimra Musser

Resource Teacher

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